gulls taking off over lake, black and white
gulls taking off over lake, black and white
  • Swings and Roundabouts
    • 10/11/2011
Is there some cut-off age when it becomes frowned upon by society to play in playgrounds?
Or is it just kids grow out of it and think it isn't cool enough for them any more?
Well i love swings. And roundabouts. And i wish i hadn't excluded them from my life for so many years.

And why does spinning the other way work to undo your dizziness?

I'm in a town called Eureka! in California.
It doesn't actually have the exclamation mark on the road signs but it should.
It has a real nice old unspoiled downtown
I hitch-hiked here from Crescent City, waiting in the sunshine for about 2 hours before i got picked up by a travelling mystery shopper for a fast food chain. Plenty of people waved or offered the peace sign, and i got some hitching advice from an old army vet who turned up to hitch down to san francisco.
Now i'm couchsurfing with some college students, hanging out and wandering around the woods staring up at the top of really tall trees. So far i haven't seen too many giants, only the stumps, but the area is just beautiful anyway.

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